
Waharoa and Wero Carvings

Bank Code for donations:  Carvings
Account Number:   03 0394 0014279 000
Account Name:  Russell Wharf Trust


This is the Trust’s major project for 2020/2021.  It has been talked about for many years and is now scheduled for completion with funding well underway.  The carvings will acknowledge the existence and presence of Maori in Kororareka well before Pakeha arrived.

Kororareka / Russell Community Wharf Kaitiaki Trust for the Preservation and Enhancement of the Russell Wharf and Waterfront

The Wero and Waharoa at the Russell Wharf will complement the recent upgrade by drawing attention to the cultural significance of Maori in New Zealand and in particular the area of Kororareka.

The installation of the Wero is planned for March 2021 and will be sited to be visible to vessels arriving from the seaward end of the Wharf as they approach Russell.  It is the ‘outer guard’ who will welcome visitors but will also put down the challenge that should visitors misbehave there will be consequences (see the Patu behind his back).

The Waharoa is the gateway, a carved entrance way to a village, the Marae or Pa.  Made of laminated totara, at the entrance to Russell Wharf, it is designed to be like a Waka, facing out to sea.  Completion of this part of the project is planned for later in 2021.

Kororareka / Russell Community Wharf Kaitiaki Trust for the Preservation and Enhancement of the Russell Wharf and Waterfront

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