New Trustees for the Kororāreka Russell Community Kaitiaki Wharf Trust

The Kororāreka Russell Community Kaitiaki Wharf Trust, or Wharf Trust for short has just completed a refresh and selected a new board of Trustees. The Trust was established in 2019 and the Trust Deed specified that the inaugural Trustees had to step down, and new Trustees appointed. Trustees could choose to reapply, but the places had to be advertised to the local community for them to get involved.

There were a number of applications with a wide range of skills, which was great. An interview and selection panel was established and candidates were asked a range of questions including why they were interested and what skills they could bring.

Bruce Mitchinson has been selected as Chair, Mike Stephens has been appointed Treasurer and Jane Hindle has taken over the Secretary role. Deb Rewiri and Lance Sigley remain on the Trust providing continuity and Scott Colebrook has also been appointed to the Board.

The new Board would like to express their appreciation to the retiring Trustees for their efforts to get the Trust established and to the stage where it is operating smoothly. Some key achievements involve:

  • Establishing a really good relationship with Far North Holdings to ensure a partnership approach to Kororāreka Russell’s wharf and maritime infrastructure
  • Negotiated taking over the casual berth fees, which means that they can generate revenue for community projects
  • Worked with Far North Holdings to secure funding for the major upgrade and beautification of the Russell boat ramp and car park area;
  • Developed new branding for the Trust, a website and wharf signage
  • Actively involved in the fundraising for the Waharoa and helped install it in partnership with Kororāreka Marae
  • Helped to reinstall the new pontoon for Financially support

The new Trustees also wanted to specifically acknowledge the efforts of the late Trustee Tim Grant who was working on the waterfront erosion issue, emptied the ramp fee box and a champion of our Wharf. We know there’s plenty more to do, with waterfront erosion still outstanding, so the new Trustees look forward to continuing this work on behalf of the community.

Wharf Trustees, missing Deb Rewiri and Lance Sigley